Installation ============ The installation of the software is rather easy when using a package manager. Only pip (` `_) is available at the moment, and it suffices with the following command to install it. :: pip install marcopolo-deployer It can also be installed through the ```` script that is included on the tarball with the following command: :: python install The *deployer* role is activated by default. The *receiver*, however, is not. To activate it the following commands have to be issued. **systemd**: :: systemctl enable marcoreceiverd systemctl start marcoreceiverd **init.d** :: update-rc.d marcoreceiverd defaults /etc/init.d/marcoreceiverd start The package requires the following dependencies to work. They will be downloaded during the installation: :: certifi==2015.4.28 netifaces==0.10.4 pyjade==3.0.0 python-pam==1.8.2 requests==2.7.0 requests-futures==0.9.5 six==1.9.0 tornado==4.1 marcopolo>=0.1 marcopolo.bindings>=0.0.1 The package runs has been tested successfuly on both Python 2.7 and 3.4. Compatibility with older versions is not guaranteed. The package creates the following files: - A service file in ``/etc/init.d`` or ``/etc/systemd/system`` for each of the daemons. - The executables (entry points to the modules) on ``/usr/bin``. - The modules on the Python modules folder. - During execution runfiles are stored in ``/var/run`` and logs are stored in ``/var/log``. - The configuration files are in ``/etc/marcodeployer/deployer.cfg``. :doc:`Here ` is an example of the configuration file. - The JavaScript, fonts, images and CSS code are located in ``/usr/lib/marcodeployer/static``. - The Jade templates used by the utility are located in ``/usr/lib/marcodeployer/templates``. Certificates ------------ The required certificates are located in ``/usr/lib/marcodeployer/certs``. **The included certificates are not suited for production use**. Replace them with your own set of certificates for any purpose other than trying the application, or the security of your entire system might be compromised.