
The software is modified through a file located in /etc/marcodeployer/deployer.cfg. Only one file provides configuration for the both roles.

This is an example of a configuration file:

certs = /usr/lib/marcodeployer/certs
tmpdir = /tmp/tmp_deployer
logging_dir = /var/log/marcopolo

appcert = /usr/lib/marcodeployer/certs/app.crt
appkey = app.key
static_path = /usr/lib/marcodeployer/static
tomcat_path = /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/
templates_dir = /usr/lib/marcodeployer/templates/
deployer_loglevel = DEBUG
deployer_log_file = /var/log/marcodeployer/marcodeployerd.log
deployer_service_name = deployer
deployer_port = 1342

receivercert = /usr/lib/marcodeployer/certs/receiver.crt
receiverkey = /usr/lib/marcodeployer/certs/receiver.key
receiver_port = 1339
receiver_log_file = /var/log/marcodeployer/marcoreceiverd.log
receiver_loglevel = DEBUG
receiver_websocket_port = 1370
receiver_service_name = receiver
status_monitor_service_name = statusmonitor
interface = eth0
refresh_freq = 1000.0
secret_file = /etc/marcodeployer/secret

The file has three sections. common are parameters used by both the deployer and receiver roles and it simply includes some directory paths for certificates, logging and temporary files. deployer stores regarding the deployer and receiver does the same for the receiver role.

All paths for logging and certificate handling can be either absolute or relative. They will be relative to the value of the certs, tmpdir or logging_dir variables.

The values in the example are also the used by the software as defaults if the parameter is not specified in the configuration file.