Source code for marcopolo.polo.polobindingssl

from __future__ import with_statement
from __future__ import absolute_import
from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol, Protocol, Factory

from io import open
import os
from os import makedirs, path
from os.path import isfile

import json, logging, re
import pwd, grp, stat

import socket
import six

from marcopolo.marco_conf import utils
from marcopolo.polo import conf, tokenprovider

def sanitize_path(path_str):
    Prevents unwanted directory traversing and other bash vulnerabilities.

    :param str path_str: The path to be sanitized.

    :returns: The sanitized path.

    :rtype: str
    return path.normpath("/"+path_str).lstrip('/')

class PoloBindingSSLFactory(Factory):
    def __init__(self, secret, offered_services, user_services, multicast_addrs):
        self.secret = secret
        self.offered_services = offered_services
        self.user_services = user_services
        self.multicast_addrs = multicast_addrs

    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
        p =  self.protocol(self.secret, self.offered_services, self.user_services, self.multicast_addrs)
        p.factory = self
        return p

[docs]class PoloBindingSSL(Protocol):
[docs] def __init__(self, secret, offered_services, user_services, multicast_groups=conf.MULTICAST_ADDRS, verify_regexp=conf.VERIFY_REGEXP): """ Creates the ``PoloBinding`` instance with the data structures to work with. If defined, the ``offered_services`` and ``user_services`` variables will be treated as references to a dictionaries (i.e. the values will be modified, but the object reference will never be altered). :param dict offered_services: A dictionary which comprises all the dictionaries \ passed to the ``offered_services`` param in the Polo instances. That way the services \ can be altered by both parties :param dict user_services: A dictionary of all the user services dictionaries (the key is multicast group and the value is the list of user dictionaries passed to the param ``user_services``. :param str multicast_group: The IPv4 address of the multicast group to join to. **Important**: The multicast_addr is not validated until the reactor is started. :param str verify_regexp: Regular expression used to verify an user service. """ self.secret = secret self.offered_services = offered_services self.user_services = user_services self.verify = re.compile(verify_regexp)#re.compile('^([\d\w]+):([\d\w]+)$') self.multicast_groups = multicast_groups self.router = {} self.router["Register"] = self.publish_service_wrapper self.router["Publish"] = self.publish_service_wrapper self.router["Unpublish"] = self.unpublish_service_wrapper self.router["Request-token"] = self.request_token_service_wrapper
[docs] def startProtocol(self): """ Starts the binding and adds an entry in the log file """"Starting binding")
def connectionMade(self): print("A connection was made!")
[docs] def dataReceived(self, datagram): """ Receives datagrams from bindings, and verifies the `Command` field. It emits a response based on the value (if necessary) :param bytes datagram: The byte stream with the message """ datos = datagram.decode('utf-8') logging.debug("Datagram received: %s" % datos) try: datos_dict = json.loads(datos) except ValueError: self.write_error("Malformed JSON") logging.debug("Malformed JSON") return if datos_dict.get("Command", None) is None: self.write_error("Missing command") logging.debug("Missing command") return command = datos_dict["Command"] method = self.router.get(command, self.unknown_command_handler) method(command, datos_dict.get("Args", {}))
def request_token(self, uid): pw_user = pwd.getpwuid(uid) if pw_user == None: self.write_error("User not found") return polo_dir = os.path.join(pw_user.pw_dir, ".polo") if not os.path.exists(polo_dir): os.mkdir(polo_dir) os.chown(polo_dir, pw_user.pw_uid, pw_user.pw_gid) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(polo_dir, "token")): try: f = open(os.path.join(polo_dir, "token"), 'wb') os.fchmod(f.fileno(), stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR) os.fchown(f.fileno(), pw_user.pw_uid, pw_user.pw_gid) f.write(tokenprovider.create_token(uid, self.secret)) f.close() except Exception as e: self.write_error(str(e)) return self.write_ok(0) else: self.write_ok(1)
[docs] def write_ok(self, status): """ Creates and sends an OK message :param int status: The status code """ json_str = json.dumps({"OK":status}) self.transport.write(json_str.encode('utf-8'))
[docs] def write_error(self, error): """ Creates and sends an Error message :param str error: The error reason """ logging.debug(error) self.transport.write(json.dumps({"Error": error}).encode('utf-8'))
[docs] def publish_service_wrapper(self, command, args): """ A wrapper for the :method:publish_service method :param str command: The command that triggered the function :param dict args: The arguments to pass to :method:publish_service """ logging.debug("Publish service") self.publish_service(args.get("service", ''), args.get("token", ""), multicast_groups=args.get("multicast_groups", conf.MULTICAST_ADDRS), permanent=args.get("permanent", False), root=args.get("root", False))
[docs] def unpublish_service_wrapper(self, command, args): """ A wrapper for the :method:unpublish_service method :param str command: The command that triggered the function :param dict args: The arguments to pass to :method:unpublish_service """ logging.debug("Unpublish service") self.unpublish_service(args.get("service", ''), args.get("token", ""), multicast_groups=args.get("multicast_groups", set()), delete_file=args.get("delete_file", False) )
[docs] def request_token_service_wrapper(self, command, args): """ A wrapper for the :method:request_token method :param str command: The command that triggered the function :param dict args: The arguments to pass to :method:request_token """ self.request_token(args.get("uid", -1))
[docs] def unknown_command_handler(self, command, args): """ Handles all unkown commands :param str command: The command that triggered the function :param dict args: The arguments that were passed """ self.transport.write(self.write_error("Malformed request. Commands missing"))
[docs] def publish_service(self, service, token, multicast_groups=conf.MULTICAST_ADDRS, permanent=False, root=False): """ Registers a service during execution time. :param tuple address: A tuple with the requesting address and port :param str service: Indicates the unique identifier of the service. If `root` is true, the published service will have the same identifier as the value of the parameter. Otherwise, the name of the user will be prepended (`<user>:<service>`). :param int uid: The unique user identifier :param set multicast_groups: Indicates the groups where the service shall be published. Note that the groups must be defined in the polo.conf file, or otherwise the method will throw an exception. :param bool permanent: If set to true a file will be created and the service will be permanently offered until the file is deleted. :param bool root: Stores the file in the marcopolo configuration directory. This feature is only available to privileged users, by default root and users in the marcopolo group. """ if len(str(token)) == 0: self.write_error("Need a token") return uid = tokenprovider.decrypt_token(token, self.secret) try: if uid is None or int(uid) < 0: self.write_error("Bad token. Could not find user") return except ValueError as e: self.write_error("Bad token") return error = False # Python does not allow throwing an exception insided an exception, so we use a flag reason = "" #Verification of services if not isinstance(service, six.string_types): error = True reason = "Service must be a string" #The service must be something larger than 1 character if service is None or len(service) < 1: error = True reason = "Must be larger than 1" if error: logging.debug(error) self.write_error("The name of the service %s is invalid: %s" % (service, reason)) return error = False faulty_ip = '' #The IP addresses must be represented in valid dot notation and belong to the range 224-239 for ip in multicast_groups: #The IP must be a string error, faulty_ip, reason = utils.verify_ip(ip, multicast_groups) if error == True: logging.debug(reason) try: self.write_error("Invalid multicast group address '%s': %s" % (str(faulty_ip), reason)) except Exception: self.write_error("Invalid multicast group address") return if type(permanent) is not bool: logging.debug("Permanent must be boolean") self.write_error("permanent must be boolean") return if type(root) is not bool: self.write_error("root must be boolean") return #UID verification user = self.validate_user(uid) if user is None: self.write_error("wrong user") return #Final entry with all service parameters service_dict = {} service_dict["id"] = service #TODOservice_dict["params"] ={} Add parameters service_dict["groups"] = multicast_groups #Root service error = False error_reason = "" if (len(multicast_groups) < 1): multicast_groups = conf.MULTICAST_ADDRS if root is True: if not self.is_superuser(user): self.write_error("Permission denied") return for group in multicast_groups: #Only root or members of the `marcopolo` group can publish root services if service in [s['id'] for s in self.offered_services[group]]: error_reason = "Service %s already exists" % service error = True continue if permanent is True: services_dir = path.join(conf.CONF_DIR, conf.SERVICES_DIR) if not path.exists(services_dir): makedirs(services_dir) os.chown(services_dir, 0, grp.getgrnam(conf.GROUP_NAME).gr_gid) service_file = sanitize_path(service) if path.isfile(path.join(services_dir, service_file)): error_reason = "Permanent service %s already exists" % service error = True continue try: f = open(path.join(services_dir, service_file), 'w') f.write(json.dumps(service_dict)) os.fchown(f.fileno(), user.pw_uid, user.pw_gid) f.close() service_dict["file"] = service_file except Exception as e: error_reason = "Could not write file" error = True continue self.offered_services[group].append({"id":service, "permanent":permanent}) else: service_dict["permanent"] = permanent if not error: self.write_ok(service) else: self.write_error(error_reason) return else: error = False for group in multicast_groups: if self.user_services[group].get(user.pw_name, None): if service in [s['id'] for s in self.user_services[group][user.pw_name]]: error = True continue folder = user.pw_dir deploy_folder = path.join(folder, conf.POLO_USER_DIR) if permanent is True: if not path.exists(deploy_folder): makedirs(deploy_folder) os.chown(deploy_folder, user.pw_uid, user.pw_gid) service_file = sanitize_path(service) if path.isfile(path.join(deploy_folder, service_file)): #TODO: if unpublished and not deleted, this will be true error = True continue try: f = open(path.join(deploy_folder, service_file), 'w') f.write(json.dumps(service_dict)) os.fchown(f.fileno(), user.pw_uid, user.pw_gid) f.close() except Exception as e: logging.debug(e) self.write_error("Could not write service file %s" % str(e)) error = True return if self.user_services[group].get(user.pw_name, None) is None: self.user_services[group][user.pw_name] = [] self.user_services[group][user.pw_name].append({"id":service, "permanent":permanent}) logging.debug("Publishing user service %s in group %s" % (service, group)) else: if not error: self.write_ok(user.pw_name+":"+service) else: self.write_error("Service already exists")
[docs] def unpublish_service(self, service, token, multicast_groups=conf.MULTICAST_ADDRS, delete_file=False): """ Removes a service from the offered services structures and all associated files, upon request. :param tuple address: A tuple with the requesting address and port. :param str service: The id of the service to delete. :param int uid: The uid of the requesting user. :param list multicast_groups: The list of multicast_groups to delete the service from.\ If not defined, the service is removed from all groups. :param bool delete_file: If set to ``True`` and the service is of type permanent,\ the service file is deleted. If the service is not permanent the parameter is ignored. """ logging.debug("Unpublishing service") if len(str(token)) == 0: self.write_error("Bad token") return uid = tokenprovider.decrypt_token(token, self.secret) try: if uid is None or int(uid) < 0: self.write_error("Bad token") return except ValueError as e: self.write_error("Bad token") return if len(multicast_groups) < 1: multicast_groups = conf.MULTICAST_ADDRS #Determine whether it is a root or a user service #The IP addresses must be represented in valid dot notation and belong to the range 224-239 error = False reason = "" for ip in multicast_groups: #The IP must be a string error, faulty_ip, reason = utils.verify_ip(ip, multicast_groups) print(error, ip) if error == True: logging.debug(reason) try: self.write_error("Invalid multicast group address '%s': %s" % (str(faulty_ip), reason)) except Exception: self.write_error("Invalid multicast group address") return if error != False: self.write_error("Invalid multicast group address '%s': %s" % (str(faulty_ip), reason)) return if len(set(multicast_groups) - (set(conf.MULTICAST_ADDRS) & set(multicast_groups))) > 0: self.write_error("The group %s is not available" % multicast_groups[0]) return user = self.validate_user(uid) if user is None: self.write_error("wrong user") return if self.verify.match(service): #user service try: user, service_name = self.verify.match(service).groups() user_pwd = pwd.getpwnam(user) except (IndexError, ValueError): self.write_error("Invalid formatting") return if user_pwd is None: self.write_error("Invalid user") return for group in multicast_groups: if self.user_services[group].get(user, None) is not None: match = next((s for s in self.user_services[group][user] if s['id'] == service_name), None) if match: is_permanent = match.get("permanent", False) if delete_file and is_permanent: folder = user_pwd.pw_dir deploy_folder = path.join(folder, conf.POLO_USER_DIR) if path.exists(deploy_folder) and isfile(path.join(deploy_folder, service_name)): try: os.remove(path.join(deploy_folder, service_name)) except Exception as e: pass else: self.write_error("Could not find service file") try: self.user_services[group][user].remove(match) except ValueError: pass else: self.write_error("Could not find service") return else: self.write_error("Could not find service") return else: self.write_ok(0) return else: #root service error_str = "" for group in multicast_groups: match = next((s for s in self.offered_services[group] if s['id'] == service), None) if match: is_permanent = match.get("permanent", False) if delete_file and is_permanent: folder = path.join(conf.CONF_DIR, conf.SERVICES_DIR) if path.exists(folder) and isfile(path.join(folder, service)): with open(path.join(folder, service), 'r+') as f: file_dict = json.load(f) if len(file_dict.get("groups", [])) == 0: try: f.close() os.remove(path.join(folder, service)) except Exception as e: self.write_error("Internal error during processing of file") else: groups = file_dict.get("groups", []) if len(groups) > 0: try: groups.remove(group) except ValueError: pass if len(groups) == 0: try: f.close() os.remove(path.join(folder, service)) except Exception as e: self.write_error("Internal error during processing of file") else:, 0) f.truncate() json.dump(file_dict, f) else: self.write_error("Could not find service file") try: self.offered_services[group].remove(match) except ValueError: pass else: if delete_file: folder = path.join(conf.CONF_DIR, conf.SERVICES_DIR) if path.exists(folder) and isfile(path.join(folder, service)): with open(path.join(folder, service), 'r+') as f: file_dict = json.load(f) if len(file_dict.get("groups", [])) < 1: try: f.close() os.remove(path.join(folder, service)) except Exception as e: self.write_error("Internal error during processing of file") else: groups = file_dict.get("groups", []) if len(groups) > 0: try: groups.remove(group) except ValueError: pass, 0) f.truncate() json.dump(file_dict, f) else: self.write_error("Could not find service") return try: self.offered_services[group].remove(match) except ValueError as e: pass else: try: self.write_ok(0) except ValueError: pass
[docs] def validate_user(self, uid): """ Returns a `pwd` structure if the uid is present in the passwd database. Otherwise `None` is returned :param string uid: The user identifier of the service """ if type(uid) != type(0): return None if uid < 0: return None try: user = pwd.getpwuid(uid) except KeyError: return None return user
[docs] def is_superuser(self, user): """ Returns `True` if the user is a 'superuser' (it is root or it a member of the `marcopolo` group) :param string user: `pwd` structure with all the information from the user """ groups = [g.gr_name for g in grp.getgrall() if user.pw_name in g.gr_mem] gid = user.pw_gid groups.append(grp.getgrgid(gid).gr_name) return 'marcopolo' in groups or user.pw_uid == 0